About us…

House of Black Cat Magic is half magic supplies shop + half black cat lounge = a whole magical experience.

House of Black Cat Magic operates in partnership with Binx’s Home for Black Cats, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and is dedicated to increasing the awareness and support for the most magical of animals: the Black Cat.

Black Cats have a history of being maligned during various segments of history, and often wrongly associated with malevolent magical practices. The reality is that Black Cats are extraordinary animals, more prevalent than most other colors of cats, and make a wonderful addition to any family.

At the House of Black Cat Magic we believe Black Cats are good luck and the perfect partner when it comes to good magic!

House of Black Cat Magic offers basic supplies for the modern magical practitioner - candles, incense, herbs, books, and ritual tools. We source as many products as we can locally, and with a focus on sustainability.

So whether you are looking for magical supplies, a new furry friend, or just looking to commune with some feline energy, we have what you need.