Children 10 and over are allowed to visit the cat lounge with a supervising parent at any time during regular business hours. There must be one adult per two children in the lounge at all times. 

Mini “Kiddy” hours will be offered every day at rotating times to allow families with children under the age of 10 to enjoy the cat lounge.


Wednesdays: 12-1PM

Thursdays: 1-2PM

Fridays: 2-3PM

Saturdays: 11AM-12PM

Sundays: All Day (11-7PM)

Teens 14 and up are allowed in the cat lounge without adult supervision. 


  • NO pulling tails

  • NO boisterous or disruptive behavior

  • NO chasing, hitting, shrieking, or yelling at the cats

Visitors with children will get two opportunities to curb their child’s behavior once notified by an employee or volunteer. The third notice will result in being asked to leave the cat lounge without a refund.

PARENTS! This part is for you.

House of Black Cat Magic is one of the few cat cafes to welcome children to visit and enjoy the cat lounge experience. Most cat cafes do not allow children to visit. In order to  maintain this practice, we need parents to be an active part of the cat lounge experience. Here’s what we ask you to do:

Actively Supervise Your Children

We require parents be involved and active in the process of interacting with their children and how our cats are interacted with. Active supervision means watching their children to make sure they’re interacting with the cats appropriately. This also means not allowing yourself to be distracted with texting, phone calls, or other activities. 

Be Sure Your Children Can Help Maintain A Calm Environment

Our goal is to maintain a calm and relaxed environment. It’s an environment where the cats can thrive and it’s also what visitors to the cat lounge expect. If this is not an environment where your child can be comfortable or accommodating in, then we suggest waiting until a time when they can enjoy the experience by meeting the guidelines we require. That way, everyone, both two-legged and four-legged, can enjoy their time at House of Black Cat Magic. We are also open to discussing accommodations for children with special needs, well in advance of their proposed visit.

Prepare Your Children to Listen to Directions

We understand that even when you are watching your children, sometimes, they will do things that you don’t want them to do. Make sure they are willing and able to comply with directions given to them by the staff or volunteers in the cat lounge. This is for their safety as well as the safety and well-being of the cats.

Decision of Staff and Volunteers is Final

Upon entry, if the staff or volunteers feel that the actions of individual children will not contribute to the calm and relaxed environment we seek to maintain at House of Black Cat Magic, we will educate them on the need for this. If they cannot do this, we will decline your admission. If children enter the lounge and do not act in a way consistent with the environment we seek to maintain, we will inform them and you of this. Continuation of problematic behavior will mean that your party will be asked to leave. The decision of volunteers and staff on this is final. No refunds will be given if children are required to leave due to their behavior.


We’ve already had many children come through and visit us, and we’ve only had to require a handful of them to leave. We’re happy to be one of the few cat cafes that allow children to visit! With the collective cooperation of all parents, we’ll be able to continue this policy. Thank you.